Blog Spotlight ::: LOADING-INFO

How many blogs do you reckon you run across on a weekly basis? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Try hundreds. Of those hundreds, how many could you honestly say fall within the category of GREAT blogs, with interesting content?

Thousands and thousands and thousands of blogs have passed before my two weary eyes - and you know that when it all comes down to it, there are just a good handful of weblogs that I find myself bookmarking or digging or stumbling or otherwise simply committing the URL to memory. Loading-Info is one of them. Catchy title, eh: "Loading-Info"...

Take a moment to think about it. I find the brand "Loading-Info" to be quite appealing!

A quick peek at the blog reveals articles on web-hosting and dedicated serves, widgets for info-geeks and website-monitoring for advanced users. Whether you are a wet-behind-the-ears newbie or a problogger, you'll learn something new with every visit to Loading-Info... here's a small sneak-peek of a sample (click on the pic to visit the post):
Whenever you're out websurfing on the net, whether googling for something or bloghopping or scouring for information on a variety of websites, you are LOADING INFO. YES! From the internet - to your computer - to your monitor - through your eyes and ears - directly to your brain! Electrons to electrons!

There's no smoke and mirrors here! There's a real gal behind the blog: she is none other than Gian Faye Paguirigan! She describes herself as a web enthusiast: "a normal 19-year old geek on the block who discovered the Internet long ago" - she is musically gifted, multi-talented, loves cats and loves to watch the stars (as in astronomy!) She's also into "playing with codes, doing programming and spending time tweaking things on the web and on her computer."

Gian Faye blogs out of Dasmariñas City, Ca, Philippines.

Loading-Info is LOADED with blogging info, tips and resources - and Gian Faye is very active across a wide variety of social media:

Connect with Loading-Info's Gian-Faye:
Email Me

I give Gian-Faye an "A" for excellent presentation and a 5-star rating for her blog "Loading-Info" ... check it out!

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